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TDM - Website


Transformational Coaching Program for High-Achieving Women Navigating Autoimmune Gut Issues

This heavily supported (online) nutritional and lifestyle experience empowers YOU with all the fundamentals needed (complete with GI-MAP DNA Stool Testing), to start combatting inflammation, repairing your gut, regaining your energy, and reclaiming the way you DESERVE TO FEEL...EVERYDAY!

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Corporate Wellness Workshops

In-Person or Virtual Workshops To Deepen Wellness In Your Workplace!

Enjoy a themed workshop topic best suited to your staff's current needs, complete with practical strategies and from-scratch recipes that provide the opportunity for your team members to feel EMPOWERED toward taking further personal ACTION!

Speaking Events

Infuse Nutritional & Lifestyle Empowerment Into Your Next Event!

Enjoy a themed presentation topic best suited to your event's attendees and their needs, complete with empowering take-away strategies that inspire action and elevated health!!

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Customized Recipe Bundles

In Need of Reinvigorating Your Meals and Snacks?

Finding yourself in a rut with your go-to meals and snacks? A customized recipe bundle is your next step forward! Enjoy a customized collection of new, from-scratch recipe ideas to reinvigorate your mind, body, soul and kitchen!

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Grocery Store/Health Food Store Tours

Take your grocery shopping skills to the next level!

An opportunity to learn how to identify 'HEALTHWASHING', interpret food labels and ingredient lists with confidence, purchase/store food items sold in different forms and types of packaging with ease, and optimize time and finances when grocery shopping...to make for the most enjoyable and efficient experience possible!

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In-Home Culinary Classes

In Need of Some Private Culinary Instruction?

These customized, half-day sessions in the comfort of your own kitchen are uniquely designed to explore new, from-scratch recipes and culinary skills with guided support! All recipes enjoyed are naturally free of gluten, dairy, soy, corn and refined sugars/sodium.

Ready to get started?

Apply for a 'Digestion Breakthrough Call'

This complimentary phone consultation allows to us to do a deep dive with what's working and what's not, what you're looking to achieve, the roadblocks currently standing in your way, and most importantly, what supports need to be brought into the picture to see you THRIVE.

© 2024 Jessica Pecush Nutrition | All Rights Reserved.