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In Pursuit of Optimal Digestive Health

Pitaya-Lemon Coconut Tarts

Happy LOVE MONTH everybody!

I just HAD to create some festive and new Valentine's Day baking this year, and my gorgeous organic, freeze-dried Pink Pitaya powder from Canadian brand SMOOV™ is the perfect star ingredient!

Raw, no-bake desserts are the perfect fit for those who have no desire to spend hours in the kitchen...including using a hot oven!

Instead, they take...

  • Minimal time to complete from start-to-end (please account for reasonable chill time in the freezer) - easy
  • Have a minimal # of steps
  • Ooze with MAXIMUM flavour! The most important part!

These tarts have both a gluten-free and grain-free base, and the anti-inflammatory, fat-powered, coconut-butter-based 'icing' is exceptional! Pink Pitaya powder offered a fun pop of Valentine's colour!

With no added sugars, just the minimal naturally-occurring sugars from the whole and minimally refined/processed ingredients, fat-powered baking leaves you not only satiated, but satisfied!

You know what THAT means?! Hard to overdo it!

Have you heard of Canadian small business SMOOV™?

They have an incredible line of All-In-One Plant Based BlendsSuperfood Powders (like the Pink Pitaya used in this recipe), and Superfood Blends!

Enjoy my ambassador link for 15% off your order at check-out!

Access the recipe HERE.

If you make these no-bake tarts, be sure to tag me on Facebook or Instagram with your creation, letting me know what you think of them, and so I can drool over what you've created in your own kitchen!


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I'm Jessica Pecush...

Culinary Nutrition Expert, Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™ & AIP Certified Coach®

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