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In Pursuit of Optimal Digestive Health

Downsize Your Digital Clutter!


We can't underestimate the power of a digital declutter, just like I never underestimate the power of a deep spring clean in my home come March!

When do I love doing this type of work the most?

During the final stretch of December...once the chaos and fun of Christmas has started to settle! (Who am I kidding?!) :D

For me, the final stretch of the calendar year is a time of year I ADORE! A time of reflection, much organization (cleansing!) and plenty of strategizing for the coming year... personally AND professionally!

I love chipping away at preparing for the new year ahead in a handful of ways, and digital decluttering is no exception!

Here are the ways in which I've been digitally decluttering my personal and professional life for the past handful of years -  I hope these tips help you in some way!


1 - Clean Out Your Email Accounts

  • Evaluate the number of email accounts you have - close any that are not necessary
  • Unsubscribe from any subscriptions that flood your Inbox each day, that you subscribed to out of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) - this stuff builds UP!
  • Trash unnecessary emails and folders, and create new folders/file emails with their corresponding file labels, as needed
  • Update your 'Contacts' lists so all contacts are relevant


2 - Clean Out Your Google Drive(s)

  • Organize folders, delete any unnecessary docs and/or folders, and file docs into their relevant folders


3 - Clean Out Your Computer-Based Files

  • I DON'T mean going through every single file in every single folder (that could take months!)
  • I DO mean scanning each folder that exists, as well as its content, to determine where files/folders may be purged because they are no longer relevant
  • Organize folders, delete any unnecessary docs and/or folders, and file docs into their relevant folders
  • Back up your cleaned-up files - I like to do this in two different ways (e.g. onto both a flash drive and an external hard drive)


4 - Digitize Your Calendar

  • Ensure all scheduling is done digitally via a Google Calendar or otherwise, so nothing gets missed!
  • Customize the interval of time at which you receive a reminder notification to your personal device
  • A reminder of an event, appointment, etc., the day of or the day before, is a lifesaver when life continues to be FULL!


5 - Digitize Your Workflow

  • I currently enjoy using Trello - a task management app
  • It provides a visual overview of tasks at hand that may be categorized according to where you are at in your workflow with a particular task (e.g. TO DO, DOING, and DONE!)
  • You may create a 'Board' for each new main task/project being worked on, breaking the large task into smaller sub-tasks; this allows a large task to appear far less daunting!
  • You may add deadlines to any of the tasks/sub-tasks, coloured labels, etc. so always be able to see the 'big picture' and receive notifications regarding upcoming deadlines
  • You may drag the sub-tasks across categories (e.g. from TO DO, to DOING, to DONE!) as your workflow progresses and is ultimately completed - WIN!
  • To view a short tutorial, click HERE


6 - Clean Out Your Phone Contacts

  • Enough said!
  • Clean out old text message convos, too!


7 - Clean Out Your Photos

  • Upload photos you'd like to hold onto to you your computer/iPhoto
  • Save computer photos into file folders and allow them to be backed up with your other files on your flash drive and/or external hard drive, as noted above
  • OR, save/store photos in organized folders within your Google Drive


8 - Clear Unnecessary Apps Off Your Phone

  • Particularly the ones that distract you!
  • If you never use them, they don't serve you in a positive way, or they annoy you, GOOD-BYE!


9 - Clean Out Inboxes of Social Media Accounts

  • Delete irrelevant DMs and start the New Year with a clean slate!


10 - 'Unfollow' Social Media Accounts Not Serving You

  • If an account is not enhancing your life in a positive, health-building way, whether allowing you to keep in touch with friends, make you smile/laugh, or inspire you, for example, time to disconnect!


While some number of these ideas may make you groan due to the tedious nature of them, trust me, when they're done, you're going to feel SO. MUCH. LIGHTER! Chip away at them in small chunks of time.

Now, it's time to get started!

If you try out any number of these strategies, be sure to tag me on Facebook or Instagram with what you chose to do, so I can celebrate your de-cluttering your space (and mind!) WITH you!

Cheers to the fresh calendar start that lies ahead!


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I'm Jessica Pecush...

Culinary Nutrition Expert, Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™ & AIP Certified Coach®

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