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In Pursuit of Optimal Digestive Health

Choco-Coconut Cashew Butter Cups

Holiday baking is in full swing! There's nothing like from-scratch desserts with high-quality ingredients that don't leave your gut in turmoil after enjoying them!

And, if you love a chocolate peanut butter cup or chocolate almond butter cup for that matter, here's a variation of that type of treat that has MINIMAL, naturally-occurring carbohydrate sugars - WIN!

Baking and desserts that are protein and/or fat-powered (rather than sugar-powered), are incredibly flavourful and satiating...thanks to the fat source(s)! Therefore, a little bit goes a long way!

What I love about these Choco-Coconut Cashew Butter Cups is that they do exactly that.

1-2 feels like plenty, simply because of their composition.

And, when treats are formulated this way with their ingredient list, the treat becomes a totally different experience:

  • You don't get the spike in blood sugar
  • You don't experience the sugar high...followed by the inevitable crash that follows
  • You're more fuelled, satiated and content sooner, so the need to have more and inevitably end up overeating starts to melt away!

In this particular recipe, we gain high-quality, anti-inflammatory fat from the cashew butter, coconut oil and coconut butter, and a touch of protein from the cashew butter as well.

Furthermore, some (alcohol-free) vanilla extract provides a splash of incredible flavour, the cinnamon is a natural blood sugar stabilizer (due to its chromium), and a few pinches of sea salt help to accentuate and pull together all of these beautiful flavours!

Let's not hesitate with getting your hands on this recipe, so you can enjoy it in your home over the holidays and beyond, too!

Access the recipe HERE.

If you make this no-bake dessert, be sure to tag me on Facebook or Instagram with your creation, letting me know what you think of them, and so I can drool over what you've created in your own kitchen!


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I'm Jessica Pecush...

Culinary Nutrition Expert, Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™ & AIP Certified Coach®

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