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In Pursuit of Optimal Digestive Health

Blissful Coconut Whipped Cream!

Coconut Whipped Cream

Fresh berries and whipped cream is the EPITOME of summer dessert for me!

When the summer heat kicks in, cooling and refreshing homemade treats are a MUST! An added bonus if they have nutritional benefits to offer, too!

It is incredibly easy to make a coconut whipped cream that is free of the refined sugar and artificial substances found in conventional, store-bought, whipped creams. It's also a fantastic alternative for those intolerant to or avoiding dairy-based whipped cream.

All you need is a can of full-fat, organic coconut milk (or coconut cream), a mixing bowl and your electric beater!

I LOVE working with coconut products in different forms, due to the fatty acids (Medium-Chain Triglycerides, like Lauric Acid and Caprylic Acid) they contain.

Lauric Acid and Caprylic Acid are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial and anti-viral for the body, helping to support the Immune System and protect the body from disease-causing organisms.

Your body requires high-quality sources of fat for countless reasons, including:

  • Cell communication
  • Brain and Central Nervous System function
  • Holding our organs in place
  • Protection of our organs from trauma and temperature changes (acts as a protective covering/insulation)
  • Transport of fat-soluble vitamins through the body (vitamins A, D, E and K)
  • Energy storage in the body
  • The presence of fat in the body freeing up protein for tissue repair[i]


  1. Chill the can of coconut milk in the refrigerator overnight, so that it's chilled prior to whipping and consuming!
  2. About 15 minutes (or more) prior to starting the whipping of the cream, chill the mixing bowl and electric beaters that you will be using to whip the milk. This allows the milk to remain at a chilled temperature so that the whipping process is not compromised in any way.
  3. Upon opening the can of coconut milk, scoop out the solid milk and place it in your chilled mixing bowl, separating the solid milk from the liquid milk. Store the liquid milk in an airtight container and chill in the refrigerator; it may be used for a smoothie or other culinary creation!
  4. From there, you may start to whip the milk until it is light and airy - this will not take long! Store any excess in an airtight container and chill in the refrigerator, although I’m anticipating there won't be leftovers!

*I find this coconut milk-based whipped cream to be pleasing to the taste buds on its own, when coupled with the natural sugars of the fruit it is being paired with. Some recipes include a bit of natural sweetener (such as a touch of pure, maple syrup or raw, unpasteurized honey) to be added in prior to whipping. You be the judge! :D

If you try this whipped cream alternative out, be sure to tag me on Facebook or Instagram with your creation, letting me know what you think of it, and so I can drool over what you've decided to pair it with in your own kitchen!




[i] Haas, Elson M. (2006). Staying Healthy with Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine. New York: Random House Inc.

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Culinary Nutrition Expert, Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™ & AIP Certified Coach®

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