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In Pursuit of Optimal Digestive Health

Blender Turmeric Tonic

With Fall now in FULL SWING, our radar is especially kicking into HIGH-GEAR when it comes to keeping our Immune System strong and well!

Your body will THANK you for ingesting this anti-inflammatory, powerhouse of a blender juice tonic!

Turmeric is an acquired taste, in my humble opinion! Therefore, turmeric-based beverages, including this one, may not be for everyone!

Regardless, the health-related benefits just cannot be denied, and when enjoyed in a liquified form, the goodness is rapidly and easily absorbed by your body.

Between this strategic ingredient-combining and a touch of natural sweetness, you can arrive at a pleasing blend that your body is hungry for!

What I love about this beverage is that it is so quick-and-easy to make. If you have a blender, you're set!



  • Cleanses the liver and the bloodstream
  • Supports digestion
  • Strengthens Immune System function
  • Helps regulate blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure
  • Alkalizing for the body once metabolized
  • Be sure to seek out firm and heavy lemons that have a rich and vibrant yellow colour, along with a smooth and slightly-glossy outer surface!


  • One of the most widely-available and utilized medicinal herbs
  • Its compound Gingerol helps reduce inflammation
  • Helps regulate both blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Contributes to optimal circulation
  • Helps to achieve relief with nausea, upset stomach and indigestion
  • Helps kill off bacteria associated with acute illness

Raw, Unpasteurized Honey[iii]:

  • Isn’t processed or cooked in preparation for sale, so retains all of its naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals (in the proportions Mother Nature intended)!
  • Possesses antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties.


  • Is considered to be a full-body tonic
  • Its active constituent curcumin is a potent antioxidant
  • Soothes inflammation and supports the reduction of histamine levels in the body; histamine is a bodily chemical released as part of the body’s immune response

Black Pepper[v]:

  • Its bioactive compound piperine may boost the body's ability to absorb curcumin

Access the recipe HERE.

*If you'd like to try out the incredible raw, unpasteurized honey pictured above, enjoy code JESSPNUTRITION at checkout for 15% off your Beekeeper's Naturals order (on both their Canadian and American sites)!

If you make this blender-made tonic, be sure to tag me on Facebook or Instagram with your creation, letting me know what you think of it, and so I can drool over what you've created in your own kitchen!




[i] Balch, P. A. (2003) Prescription for Dietary Wellness, 2nd ed. New York, NY: Avery.

[ii] Balch, P. A. (2003) Prescription for Dietary Wellness, 2nd ed. New York, NY: Avery.

[iii] Balch, P. A. (2003) Prescription for Dietary Wellness, 2nd ed. New York, NY: Avery.

[iv] Balch, P. A. (2003) Prescription for Dietary Wellness, 2nd ed. New York, NY: Avery.

[v] Goodson, A. (2018, July 4) Why Turmeric and Black Pepper is a Powerful Combination. Retrieved December 22, 2018 from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/turmeric-and-black-pepper

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I'm Jessica Pecush...

Culinary Nutrition Expert, Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™ & AIP Certified Coach®

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