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In Pursuit of Optimal Digestive Health

Broccoli Sprouts at Home!


Sprouting organic seeds at home is an easy, economical and FUN way to obtain FRESH, NUTRIENT-DENSE goodness on a regular basis (especially during the thick of winter)!

And...who doesn't love conducting a new science experiment in their kitchen?! ;)

Sprouts are a gorgeous, hearty addition to your soups, stews, salads, wraps and rolls...even smoothies!

Sprouting requires just a few basic items for my method of choice:

*I found my mesh bag and seeds at my local health food store here in Calgary - Community Natural Foods!

Broccoli, a cruciferous vegetable, is rich in sulforaphane - a potent, plant-based phytochemical (a biologically-active compound in plants). Research shows that cruciferous veggies containing sulforaphane (e.g. broccoli sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale) possess cancer-protective compounds.[i] The sulforaphane compound supports Phase 2 liver detoxification - protecting against carcinogens and DNA-damaging activity to cells and tissues.[ii]

How do I sprout, once I have my supplies?

I typically start this process on an evening (Day 0), so that the initial soaking may occur overnight. This allows me to start counting the days of sprouting on the morning of the next day (Day 1)!

DAY 0: Measure 1 tbsp. of seeds and place them in the sprouting bag; start with 1 tbsp. the first time so you may discover the yield and increase seed volume from there (if desired). Then, place the bag in a mason jar and submerge the seeds with room-temperature, filtered water (as shown in the image above).

DAY 1 (the next morning): Remove the bag from the mason jar and rinse out the jar.

Keeping the seeds in the bag, gently and thoroughly rinse the seeds with warm water. What I have found works well, is placing the bag in a smaller soup bowl or mixing bowl, and stretching the elastic of the fine mesh bag over the rim of the bowl to hold the bag open. I find that this technique allows you to more effectively rinse the seeds.

The consistent rinsing that will occur each day will assist in preventing any mould from developing.

Gently squeeze the bag to wring out any excess water, once rinsing is complete. Place the mesh bag back in the mason jar. The mason jar will no longer be filled with any water for the sprouting days to come!

*Rinse the seeds, in the same manner, later this same day in the evening. If I am home during the day, I also tend to rinse the seeds mid-afternoon. Morning and evening are just fine, though!

By the end of today (if not earlier) you should notice small tails sprouting. Exciting!

*The photo below illustrates the start of Day 2!


DAYS 2-5: Continue the daily rinsing process - morning and evening.

*The photo below illustrates Day 3 of 5.


DAY 5/FINAL DAY OF SPROUTING: By Day 5, the seeds should be sprouted, but if they could use a bit more time (dependent on the temperature in your home/the growing conditions), allow the sprouting to continue into Day 6 and use your best judgement as to their completion.

When the sprouts appear to be finished, rinse the seeds and wring the bag of any water one final time.

Then, lay the sprouts out on a cookie sheet or cutting board (any flat surface) lined with paper towel, so as to air dry throughout the day. Replace the paper towel as needed, to ensure adequate drying occurs.

*I sprouted 2 tbsp. of seeds with this round, hence the overall volume of sprouts in the image below.


Once the sprouts have had an opportunity to dry, place a fresh paper towel in the base of an airtight, glass storage container and place the sprouts in the container, on top of the paper towel. Seal and place in the refrigerator and aim to enjoy with your various meals and snacks within 5 days' time.

If you make broccoli sprouts in your own kitchen (or sprout any other sort of seed/seed blend for that matter!), be sure to tag me on Facebook or Instagram with your newly-created sprouts, letting me know what you most enjoy about them, and so I can drool over what you've created in your own kitchen!




[i] Nandini DB, Rao RS, Deepak BS, Reddy PB. Sulforaphane in broccoli: The green chemoprevention!! Role in cancer prevention and therapy. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2020 May-Aug;24(2):405. doi: 10.4103/jomfp.JOMFP_126_19. Epub 2020 Sep 9. PMID: 33456268; PMCID: PMC7802872.

[ii] Kikuchi M, Ushida Y, Shiozawa H, Umeda R, Tsuruya K, Aoki Y, Suganuma H, Nishizaki Y. Sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprout extract improves hepatic abnormalities in male subjects. World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Nov 21;21(43):12457-67. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i43.12457. PMID: 26604653; PMCID: PMC4649129.

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I'm Jessica Pecush...

Culinary Nutrition Expert, Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™ & AIP Certified Coach®

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