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In Pursuit of Optimal Digestive Health

Cleansing Beet Slaw

Beet Slaw - Square

My favourite 'slaw' option!

This cleansing apple, carrot, beet, parsley and lemon slaw is one of my favourite from-scratch options as a side dish salad, or in tacos, on a burger, or tucked into a wrap!

And...it's perfectly suited to the warm, sunny days of spring and summer when you most often crave the crisp, refreshing and cleansing recipe options!

It's quick-and-easy to make, fiber-rich and DELICIOUS!

With these types of recipes, I eyeball the ingredients for relative proportions to one another, largely using appearance and taste as indicators. You can't really go wrong here!

About a few of the key ingredients...

Beets ~

  • Contain a group of phytonutrients (plant-based nutrients) called Betalains, which provide anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxification support
  • Betalains particularly support Phase 2 liver detoxification; while Phase 1 neutralizes unwanted substances in the body, Phase 2 supports the binding of these substances, in preparation for them to exit your body when you POOP! 

Lemon ~

  • While acidic in nature, the metabolism/breakdown of lemon in the body leaves an alkaline residue
  • Therefore, lemon is extremely valuable for helping to alkalize the internal environment; inflammation loves to thrive in an acidic environment!
  • Lemon also supports the stimulation of our digestive juices and metabolism, immune function, and detoxification by our liver as a highly cleansing, whole food ingredient

Access the recipe HERE.

If you make it, be sure to tag me on Facebook or Instagram with your creation, letting me know what you most enjoy about it, and so I can drool over what you've created in your own kitchen!


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I'm Jessica Pecush...

Culinary Nutrition Expert, Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™ & AIP Certified Coach®

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