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The DI-JESS-TION Method - Extended Coaching
What You're Going To Get:
OPTION A: 3 Additional Months Private Facebook Group Access
- For 3 months beyond the program completion date, maintain access to 'The DI-JESS-TION Method' private Facebook group for continued weekly accountability, daily online support and participation in our weekly group coaching call sessions.
- 3 payments of $97/month or $291 Pay-In-Full
OPTION B: 3 Private Coaching Sessions (+ FB Group Access)
- 3, private virtual coaching sessions (45 min each) held within a 3-month period (suggested 1/month).
- Also includes 3 additional months access to 'The DI-JESS-TION Method' private Facebook group for continued weekly accountability, daily online support and participation in our weekly group coaching call sessions.
- 3 payments of $160/month or $480 Pay-In-Full
OPTION C: 6 Private Coaching Sessions (+ FB Group Access)
- 6 private virtual coaching sessions (45-min each) held within a 3-month period (suggested 2/month or bi-weekly).
- Also includes 3 additional months access to 'The DI-JESS-TION Method' private Facebook group for continued weekly accountability, daily online support and participation in our weekly group coaching call sessions.
- 3 payments of $240/month or $720 Pay-In-Full