3 Ways To Achieve RELIEF
From The Discomfort And Pain Of Gut Issues
So You Can Reclaim The Life You LOVE!
Save Your Spot For This Upcoming LIVE Training!
Hosted by Jessica Pecush
Hi! I’m Jessica Pecush!
I'm a certified Culinary Nutrition Expert, Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™, AIP Certified Coach® and the Founder and CEO of Jessica Pecush Nutrition – my private culinary and holistic nutritional consulting practice based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
I am also the creator of The DI-JESS-TION Method - my gut-focused, online-based, nutrition and lifestyle coaching program. I help professional, driven women navigating the pain and discomfort of (autoimmune) gut issues take control of their health, REPAIR their gut and REGAIN their energy, so they can RECLAIM the life they LOVE. I support the root cause of their gut issues, rather than solely focusing on symptom relief and band-aid solutions.
I empower women using a very strategic, whole foods-based, anti-inflammatory diet with flavourful, easy-to-prepare recipes that are free of gluten, dairy, soy, corn and refined sugars/sodium.
Beyond nutrition, we also work together to up-level your self-repair, including operating with a growth mindset toward repair and healing and building your consistency with stress resilience strategies, functional movement you enjoy and quality sleep solutions.
With these pieces in place and building more and more momentum, discomfort, pain and fatigue finally have the opportunity to melt away as energy levels start to ramp UP! Yes, please!
It's time to become reconnected with yourself, your health...and your life! LET'S GO!
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